Monday, May 31, 2010


your eyes lie tank from topshop

rick owens drkshdw tunic

Less specific items I would like to own:

1. thin cashmere socks
2. black bikini
3. black leather leggings

Going to pick up some new fabric this week and make myself a summer wardrobe, time to put my minimal sewing skills to the test.

death is the road to awe

I recently remembered how much I like this movie.

alex grey

Alex Grey plus LSD equals beauty.

Went to an amazing jewelry expo in CT this weekend with my stepmom, bought some raw amethyst crystals that I will be working into a necklace line in the next couple weeks.
I also picked up a couple new rings:

top left-onyx, middle right-amethyst

Lately I've been wanting to fill my house with crystals. I think I am reverting to my early teen years when my dad used to take me to all the new age shops in New England.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hot. Sweaty. Hungry.

I was going to wear these today, but it's just too hot for jewelry.

Today is:

1. thai iced teas
2. minimal clothes
3. midnight movie openings
4. spuds mackenzie beer glasses
5. excessive amounts of water

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Cool kids.

You should listen to this.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Excerpt from Jack Kerouac's "Book of Dreams"

Digging graves in the yard, I've already dug my father's along the walk and the marks are still there but now (and also dug a woman's but didnt place her in) but I'm afraid I wont dig deep enough under the 3 feet of snow and now have to dig 2 for Jerry & Lola and say to two guys with me "Come Spring the snow melts you see elbows sticking out of the ground, gad what a thing to be buried in a black suit" and one of the guys suddenly tall looking at me in a black suit!
-Cold bony dream-

My wardrobe is not very colorful, but I would like to work in this greyish purple.

I like the idea of looking like a bruise.

Zero Engineering

Shinya Kimura makes the most beautiful bikes.


I picked up my ring from Fancy Sexy Me today. It is everything I have ever wanted.

Black Mass

And so it shall be done.

Etsy shop up and running:


Friday, May 21, 2010

she walks around late at night

Items from my closet that I currently can not live without:

diy studded f21 jacket

topshop leather studded jacket

dad's old harley tshirt

vintage black sabbath shirt

american apparel sexualitank

tripp jeans

vintage leather boots

jungle boots

jeffrey campbell boots

vintage coach bag

satan ring

The Sonics- "The Witch"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

a quick one while he's away

Thank you Pete Townshend for being one of the biggest babes of all time.

Monday, May 17, 2010


today feels like:

1. venus fly traps
2. Eric Burdon's voice
3. blackberries
4. diy shredded tank
5. Zero choppers
6. all black
7. Easy Rider magazine covers
8. Slayer
9. satan ring
10. Harold and Maude (1971)


Stove's still broken, another week of eating raw food and cheez-its.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I have decided to start wearing perfume again, which I have not done in years. I have been on the hunt for a scent that is not floral or fruity or particularly girly.
In my dreams, perfumes smell like asphalt and motorcycles and dirt and grime.

Comme des Garcons, you have read my innermost thoughts.

Slowly but surely my ring collection is growing.

Today I found the perfect thick silver 2 finger ring at Artists & Fleas in Williamsburg. It's by Fancy Sexy Me. The only one there had a crack in it, so they said they would make me a new one and it should be ready in a few days. The anticipation is already killing me.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


photos curtesy of

Drinking a bottle of sparkling white wine. Watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Snacking on fudgy brownies.

I see things out my window at night that unnerve me.