Saturday, March 16, 2013


1. crop tops
2. fried chicken
3. chola sporty spice
4. sour straws for breakfast
6. high waisted everything
7. graphic novels
8. day drinking
9. jordans
10. pool parties

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Feeling peppy.

Time for another top ten:

1. cheerleading uniforms
2. holographic alien sunglasses
3. bleached blonde hair
4. Beck
5. pastel everything
6. text friendships
7. metallic gold leather jacket
8. illuminati blogs
9. Alex Grey
10. naivete

Everything's weird. 
Everything's perfect.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What to buy me for xmas

 Ultimate Warrior Jacket

 Pizza Sleeping Bag

 Flame Aura Arrowhead

 Black Bart Shirt


Alexander Wang Ines

Please and thank you.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Teen Dream

1. knee socks
2. 1980s Winona Ryder
3. dreamy hunks
4. letterman jackets
5. irrational fear
6. Laura Palmer
7. mall shopping
8. teenage suicide
9. Trip Fontaine
10. "Playground Love" - Air

Sometimes I couldn't ask for more.


Get into it.


I have been computer-less for close to 8 months, finally have a computer again.
Back to blogging.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011


I had a 4 day weekend recently and took a short trip out to the bay area to hang out with my good friend John. While I was out there, the Dark Arts Crew had this awesome art show!

(photos courtesy of Mister Kenny Gabe of SIQ SHIT)

It was a weekend of late night fast food, midday burritos, bottles and bottles of champagne, sleeping until noon, lots of jersey shore and swamp people, and some of the raddest kids I've met in a long time. 

A special thanks to all the kids at HKM for making me feel so at home!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Do it

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I am finally succumbing to my love of the ombre hair trend.
Making an appointment at Cutler for some time this week.
Photos to follow.